Stuff to show in class


recreation landscapes


transparent conservation.


rotating clock






rubiks cube picture big


pointer music video


In Mondays Digital Media Lecture we were encourage to just go to a random lecture anywhere on the campus and get inspired. Love the idea! But it made me think. Going to other lectures isn’t  the only time you get inpired. So I thought I might as well start writing blogpost when ever something inspiring – doesn’t matter how small – hits me.

For example I was browsing through TED yesterday and I came across this great talk about Dinosaurs. Now anyone who knows anything about me knows how much I love dinosaurs… so for me it was like an (very) early b-day present.

Anyway I thought it fascinating so here you go: Dinosaurs!


Ideas and research

Sorry, this is all quite scattered around and in no particular order. I will sort it asap.


liberation: befreiung, freiwerden


knowledge sharing: collecting ideas/knowled/pictures/sound what ever from poeople passing by to create one big thing.


intellation like invasion project last year just bigger:


people participating/having influence on out come. just as much in real world as in digital one


people  going with the flow. easy to manipulate? digital/nondigital:


really cool project, looks like rubish but turnes in to object when train passes -> could do something similar with two versions… people interactin digitaly (twitter, facebook ect.)  and physically buy doing something (pressing buttons?) vorort….

maybe having people working together to solve puzzle to make object move change…  soling puzzle of some sort either ineractin on facebook or vorort (face to face interaction)

physical experiance liberating from digital one ore other way around????


maybe instead of  object in video, interactive floor as in convergence task??


way of having all generation interact with each other…

more reaserch/ideas on workshops for kids.. using what has been made for other to interact with or so? maybe?