Homework for today was to draw a net for the first letter of our name and a building of our choice. The building I went for is the “Hamburger Rathaus” (Hamburg city hall). The scale is obviously not right but I think the basic folding system I intendet will work.
However we didn’t use the building in the workshop for quite obvious time reasons but I’m really tempted to try and create it when I’ve got time.
We recreated the letter net in Illustrator. While you’ve got to align the sides in a way that they don’t overlap, when you design it on paper, you can have a different layout when working digitally. We created the different parts of the letter on separate layers and opened them up in After Effects.
Using our skills we learnt last year we made the object fold up over time in a 3D space. Later on we could then insert the letter in a short video.
Using movement tracking for the video we could them combine our letter with certain points so that it moves around with the objects in the video.
It it’s not perfect by far but still a cool little thing to be able to do.