Skill 2 – Ideas and Research 1/2

I had this idea of an interactive floor for some time now. The concept is fairly easy but I think it might be difficult to realise. When you walk across the floor, every footstep triggers a light. The light spreads and fades so that you can’t only see where someone has walked along but also how long ago. I can imagine this kind of floor being great in a gallery or museum. Obviously it works better the darker the room is to make the lights more visible. It could look something like this:

NPG Gallery Record - Gallery Interior Photograph – Born Digital

Looking at the different categories (see last post) we could choose from, “lights on floor” didn’t really fit in with any of them. Since I’m not only interested in visuals but also music/sound I started researching in that area. I remembered an exhibition my dad was telling me about in the Science Museum in London but because I didn’t know when it was or what the name was that memento didn’t really help. However looking for it I did find some other really cool things. My favorite one is demonstrated in the video below. Sound Fountain is an installation which captures and replays sounds in the space in which it is placed. More about it here.

What I love about this is that it’s almost philosophical. Every single person and every single sound contributes to the whole thing. Everyone is important  and no one is forgotten, even when there is no one left in the room.

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